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Kayak Fishing: My Escape

Some people wonder about my obsession with kayak fishing. "Why would you paddle this little plastic boat around looking for fish when you could have bought a small normal boat and motor for almost the same price?" I've been asked that question multiple times and the simplest answer I can reply is "It's my escape."

In 1 Corinthians chapter 10 verse 13 we learn that "God is faithful" and that He "will also make the way of escape, so that we may be able to bear it." T...his verse let's us know that temptation will certainly come but we can resist it with the power of Christ.

To expand that further I'd like to point out that God gives us escape routes more often than we may acknowledge. I prefer to call them escape TO reality rather than escape FROM reality.

Take a walk outside and focus only on the the things God has made. See that tall tree over there? Yeah, the one that has withstood decades of storms. What about that robin hopping around the grass listening for worms? Does it look worried to you? All these things are taken care of by our Creator. How much more will He do for you the one He created in His likeness?

While kayak fishing I'm surrounded by these examples. To be more exact it's almost as if I'm a part of this evidence called creation. It's just me and God. Sure there may be others on the lake but not in my mind. The reality sets in that God is in control.

Of course, growing closer to God isn't the only reason I'm here. I do love to fish and enjoy trying to fool them into biting my artificial lure but who says escape routes can't be fun? In fact, I think they should be!

No matter how tough our current situation is God will provide an escape to those who know Him. The more aware we are of our escape routes the more successful we can be when it comes time to use them. Kayak fishing is just one of my escapes. What are some of yours?

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