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God's Perfect Timing

I met someone for the first time during our most recent outing. By chance, Ronnie was invited by another first timer to come along and paddle with us. I've "known of" Ronnie most of my life as we both have grown up in the same little community but we've never actually met and talked before.

At first glance it's quite obvious that Ronnie is different. After all he is missing a leg. So you could say I was impressed immediately to see him carrying his kayak down the boat ramp unassisted. I shake his hand, welcome him and we all get on our way.

As with all our outings we briefly pause at some point for a quick devotion. On this outing I shared a testimony about reflecting God's light much like the light from full moon that sat above us. The time went well and as we closed to depart on our seperate ways Ronnie closed in and caught me. He thanked me for the message and our conversation carried on as we got to know each other better. We talked about life experiences that God has brought us through and he shared his story of how he lost his leg in a motorcycle accident. I attempted to relate with him by sharing about losing my brother in an accident. That's when God revealed to me that this wasn't a chance meeting.

I knew that Ronnie was the same age as my brother but I had no idea just how close of friends they had become just prior to his death. He met my brother at middle school and as Ronnie puts it they "just clicked." Which probably meant bad news for the teachers lol.

After talking about Adam some I sensed some hesitancy in Ronnie's voice. I could tell he wanted to tell me something but was unsure of how I might reply. By this point it's pretty much just Ronnie and I in the middle of a dark lake. I was planning on fishing some and Ronnie even offered to "let me go" several times but I insisted it was ok and I'd catch up with the guys later. He continued to explain to me how shook up he was over losing his friend, my brother.

What Ronnie told me next blew me away. He shared the exact same testimony to me that my father did at the time of my brothers death. Without going into the details it was obvious to me that God had comforted both my father, who died that very next year, and Ronnie with fantastically similar experiences. Experiences that are almost unbelievable and only explanable as an act of God.

Ronnie tried for years to convince himself it hadn't happened. He had even passed me multiple times in public and wanted to share his story but was afraid. But now, on this night over 20 years later, the timing was perfect. According to his plans, Ronnie wasn't even supposed to be there on that night. It was only a couple hours before that he had been invited. But God's plans were different. His timing was perfect. Twenty years later was perfect in God's timeline.

"For the revelation awaits an appointed time; it speaks of the end and will not prove false. Though it linger, wait for it; it will certainly come and will not delay." Habakkuk 2:3

I'm so thankful for that conversation that night. It came at a time that highly encouraged both Ronnie and myself. Not on our timing but His.

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